Internships to Make the Most of Living

We are pleased to offer research internships, as well as spiritual care and palliative care internships in Uganda as part of our partnership with the University of Notre Dame and the Palliative Care Association of Uganda (PCAU). Students spend part of the summer in Uganda assisting palliative care workers in their daily work. To find out more, contact Cyndy Searfoss at

Volunteers also play an important role at Center for Hospice Care. Most volunteers must complete a training program that includes:

  • Hospice and palliative care philosophy and concepts
  • Physiological and psychological aspects of serious illnesses
  • Family dynamics and coping
  • Communication and listening skills
  • Emergency procedures
  • Practical care-giving techniques
  • Grief and bereavement

The training focuses on the hospice philosophy, communication skills, spirituality, family dynamics, patient care, bereavement, and much more. Following training, volunteers will assist patients and families in St. Joseph, Elkhart, Kosciusko, Fulton, Marshall, Starke, LaGrange, and LaPorte Counties with respite, transportation, laundry, errands and companionship in their homes, in Hospice House, the agency’s inpatient unit, or in nursing homes.

Your time can make a difference in the lives of our patients and their loved ones. Just fill out a Volunteer Application and send to Kristiana Donahue at to get started.